Sign Up below to see current class details. US Central Time (CT/CDT/CST).

All classes are held online and in-person other than 7am Monday which is ^online only.


11 am


9 am

6 pm


7:30 am

9 am

4:30 pm


11 am

6 pm


9 am


9.30 am

11 am


4.30 pm


9.30am with Kelly


4.30pm with Kelly

In-Studio Protocols

Updated July 2021.

Masks. Are optional for vaccinated students.

Equipment. If you have your own, feel free to bring it. Sanitized equipment will be provided if not.

Ventilation. We run a high powered air purifier that you can read about here.

Sanitizing. St. Louis Wellness Center has upgraded cleaning procedures in place during this time.

How Online Classes Work

Online yoga classes are hosted on the video conferencing site Zoom. It is easy to use and free. All you need to do is create an account and click the class link. 

Classroom Link. When you sign up for a class you will a receive an email with more information including your class link. If you have problems, just contact us!

Live Classes & Recordings. When you sign up for class you can either take that class live OR if you are unable to make the live class time, you will receive a link to the recording so you can take class when you have time. 

Stay Connected. We encourage students to stay in communication with us about how practice is going and any questions that arise. The Online Classroom opens 15 mins before the start of class and the teacher will be there if you wanted to check in through voice or chat. Alternatively send us a message or email. We want to hear from you!

Home practice equipment of colorful pillow, black strap, and computer with Kaiut Yoga sticker on a patterned rug
Close up of student lying down with head on bolster, hands interlocked underneath, neck turned to right
Home practice equipment of colorful pillow, black strap, and computer with Kaiut Yoga sticker on a patterned rug
Close up of student sitting on chair, with legs crossed, feet on bolster

What You Need

Device. To take class you will need a device (computer, tablet, phone) that connects to the internet. 
Practice Space. You will also need a place to practice. You need to be able to lie down with another 3 feet of space around you. You also need a wall space that is clear. It can be helpful to have a set practice space that you feel comfortable in and is quiet and uncluttered. But do your best to find a place you feel most at rest in the environment you are in.
Equipment. The Kaiut Yoga Method uses various pieces of equipment including mat, bolster, strap, wooden blocks, wall space, and a chair. If you have these great, if you don’t that is also great! Adapting and using what you have around you is part of the yoga. In fact using objects in your home adds to the variation in your practice, which is important in Kaiut Yoga. The teacher will inform students about what props they need in each class. Some equipment alternatives are listed below.
Close up of student lying down with head on bolster, hands interlocked underneath, neck turned to right
Home practice equipment of colorful pillow, black strap, and computer with Kaiut Yoga sticker on a patterned rug
Close up of student sitting on chair, with legs crossed, feet on bolster

Equipment Alternatives

Kaiut Yoga is all about adapting. Here are some suggestions for alternate equipment/props. Get creative! Overtime you may switch props, so start with what you have. Have these props near your practice area each class.
Mat.  As an alternative have a surface that you are able to lie on. You might use blankets, towels, a rug or your carpet. When doing standing poses, any floor surface will be workable. 
Bolster. In place of a yoga bolster you can use a pillow, cushion or rolled up beach towel. We recommend having a number on hand varying in size and density. 
StrapA belt works best otherwise anything that is similar in length, width and sturdiness.
BlocksKaiut Yoga uses wooden blocks of specific dimension and weight. For hand and arm work have two hardback books that allow you to grip them securely and strongly; or something similar that will not break. They do not need to be the same.  
Chair. The chair is not used regularly, but can add variety to our practice. Some students may gain better results from the consistent use of the chair. You can also use a couch, stool, edge of the bed. 

Still have questions about online classes?